Tony’s Forklifts is a locally owned and operated business in Perth, Western Australia. With over twenty years’ experience in our industry, we specialise in the maintenance and repairs of forklifts and provide hire equipment to all businesses in the Perth metropolitan area.
Our qualified mobile mechanics can travel to your business to carry out repairs, from faulty brakes, hydraulic issues, flat tyres, lights, or just not starting, we can help service your equipment.
If your forklift needs major repairs, it can be transported to our Bibra Lake work shop where further work can be carried out. We can even provide a hire vehicle during this period so there is no down time to your business.
We provide a range of forklifts and attachments for hire, for short or long-term use. Our hire plans are ideal for new businesses starting up and those trying to keep overheads low while establishing their business. Talk with us today for the many options that can be tailored to your needs and consider the benefits of hiring for your business compared to buying.