We provide on-site service and maintenance for your forklifts anywhere in the Perth metropolitan area.
Our qualified mobile mechanics can travel to your business to carry out repairs, from faulty brakes, hydraulic issues, flat tyres, lights, or just not starting, we can help service your equipment. If your forklift needs major repairs, it can be transported to our works shop where further work can be carried out.
We are experienced to work on all makes and models including;
- Toyota
- Mitsubishi
- Caterpillar
- Linde
- Yale
- Hyster
- Hyundai
- Electric machines
No matter the fuel type our staff are experienced mechanics and can work on gas, electric and diesel forklifts. We can service all sizes from 1.5 tonne to 5 tonnes.
We can even provide a hire vehicle for extended service periods so there is no down time to your business while waiting for equipment repair.